Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Shameless and Tacky

I don't think my bright idea of going around town with my flyers and CDs is going to work. I had my bag of cds and flyers with me last night before I went out. I was at dinner and I asked someone I knew would tell me the truth:
"Do U think it shameless and tacky 4 me 2 go up 2 complete strangers in a bar and hand them a flyer and start telling them about my music and to try to sell them a CD?"

He said, "Um .... maybe a little" with a nod of his head, which basically meant "Hell yeah, U tacky, desperate whore!"

I kind of felt that way, but nevertheless his assurance burst my bubble, deflated me if u will.

So, I got these flyers made, spent $51 for nothing. Well, not nothing, I guess. I can still use the flyers for other things, so, I'll get some use out of 'em. But damn, why did I think this would work?

"Everything I know is wrong. Everything I do, it just comes undone." - Coldplay, The Hardest Part


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